pondelok 16. novembra 2015

Tradičný babkin jablkový koláč / Traditional grandma's apple pie

   Tento koláč mi pripomína detstvo a jesenné návštevy u mojej babky na vidieku. Preto je pre mňa tradičný, lebo je to jeden z múčnikov, ktoré poznám od nej. Naša babka suroviny neváži, pridáva podľa štruktúry cesta a chuti, no a má to už "v oku".

Recept, ktorý používam ja:
250g masla
450g haldkej múky
2 čl PDP
150g práškového cukru
2 PL mlieka
2 vajcia

5-6 väčších jabĺk
šťava z 1/2 citróna
škorica / podľa chuti
práškový cukor / podľa chuti

Ako koláč pripravujem:
Preosejem si múku s PDP a cukrom, pridáme maslo, vajcia, mlieko. Cesto nechám odležať v chladničke aspoň pol hodiny. Rodelím na dve časti, vyvaľkám a ukladám na plech - cesto, jablká, cesto. Popichámvidličkou a pečiem na 170st. C pekne doružova. Pred servírovaním pocukrujem práškovým cukrom.

   Je úžasné ako v nás vône, piesne, okamihy vedia evokovať myšlienky na osobu alebo zážitky. Keď som zacítila vôňu koláča vychádzajúcu z rúry, na sekundu som sa ocitla v babkinej kuchyni s koláčom a kávou pri teplej piecke. Škorica a jablko sú typické vône chladných dní.

Traditional grandma's apple pie

English version  

    I've decided to write this recipe in English as I reckon everyone in Slovakia knows it. At least everyone who's grandmother lives in the countryside. And I have few visitors from abroad on my blog so I though it would be nice.

   This apple pie reminds me of my childhood and autumn weekends spent at our grandmother's house in the countryside. As I know she makes the pie with no scales, no recipe, no instruction just by heart. Actually, it is a really easy one.

I make the pie with butter instead of fat and use less sugar for the filling.

1 stick soft unsalted butter
450 grams all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
150 grams powder sugar
2 eggs
2 tablespoons milk

For the filling:
5 -6 big apples, peeled and shredded
ground cinnamon
icing sugar

   Make a dough by mixing all the ingredients. Begin with the butter and flour mixed with baking powder. Add the sugar, eggs and milk. If the dough sticks, add a bit more flour. Divide it into two same pieces, cover with cling film and put into a fridge for half an hour.

   Meanwhile, peel and shred the apples, pour in the lemon squash, stir in some cinnamon and sugar according to your taste.

   Dust your work surface with a little flour and shape the dough by rolling out to fit into baking sheet.
I prefer using baking paper rather than fat and flour to avoid sticking the dough onto the sheet. Place one dough into the baking sheet, then add the apple mixture and cover with another dough. Prick it with a fork and put into an oven at 170 degrees till the stick comes out dry.

    Dust with the icing sugar before serving.


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